Lower Mill Site Transformation

If you’ve been down to the Cooroy Lower Mill Site lately, you would have noticed the transformation that is occurring.  Changes are happening daily and the entire site is really starting to take shape.    What was once an unused vacant lot with weeds and derelict buildings is being made into a valuable community asset that reflects our history and looks to our future.

The kilns have been renovated and are in use by the Cooroora Woodworkers who have also had their Meeting Cottage and Carvers Hut relocated adjacent to the kilns.  Chairman of the relocation committee for the Cooroora Woodworkers, Raoul Leach said “We think the new facilities are absolutely fantastic and are extremely appreciative of the co-operation and financial assistance that Council has provided to make this happen.”

The boiler house has been renovated by Ricon Contractors Pty Ltd as a heritage display and is set to be officially opened in the New Year.  The new Marara Street has been opened complete with traffic calming, landscaping and 38 new car parking spaces.   The camphor laurels have been removed and revegetation of the creek is due to commence shortly.   The site for new Library has been excavated and construction is set to begin in the New Year with a November finalisation date.

The Lower Mill Board and Sunshine Coast Regional Council have approved a beautiful landscape design by Shaun Walsh which includes a frog gully, open areas, planting of special native trees and a courtyard of pavers from the former Noosa Council engraved with resident’s names.  The Mill Board, Council, Noosa District State High School and QUT will also be developing an onsite heritage trail so the history of the site can come alive for all who visit.

Councillor Lew Brennan and Lower Mill Site Board Chairperson, Seb Vecchio recently did a tour of the site to review the progress.  “The quality from a design perspective and the finished product is so impressive.  Full credit needs to go to both the Design and Works Teams at Council as they have a done a magnificent job which has gone above and beyond expectations,” enthused Cr Lew Brennan.

“The site is really starting to come alive and it is a testament to what can be achieved when Council, Government and the community work together.  The Mill Site is going to be a real asset for Cooroy and it has been great to be part of a team that is so connected to the community,” said Seb Vecchio.

Mill Place Works Commence

The entry way to Marara Street has been completed and the preparations have been done for the new building site for the new library.  The Data Centre is also constructed.

Creek Precinct

The Creek Precinct includes the boiler, kilns and areas surrounding the creek. A Concept Drawing of this precinct can be viewed by clicking here and includes the themes of Conservation, Play and History. The precinct aims to provide historical context for the site and open space areas while also providing a link to Mill Place.

The Cooroora Woodworker’s hut which was originally located on Marara Street has been moved adjacent to the boiler house and kilns. The Camphor Laurel Initiative is also located adjacent to this area providing a woodworking hub centred around the restored historic buildings.

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